Ralph McInerny, resquiescat in pace

Noted Catholic philosopher Ralph McInerny died this morning. One present said "It was, from what I can discern, a happy death, serene and full of he acceptance that comes from a sure and strong faith."
I might try to organize some information on him but in the mean time here are some links.
Bio from the Center for Ethics and Culture at Notre Dame
Maritain Center Bio, Notre Dame
Good summary from Gifford Lecture Website
I have learned more than I can say from him on a variety of issues and life in general over the years. He was involved in one of the first book projects I ever worked on, and was a
gracious interlocutor and teacher.
He really was a living legend, a man from another time and world it seemed, but still battled for the redemption of the culture he was a part of. Irreplaceable, he'll be missed.
UPDATE: My good friend Tom Hibbs has an obituary up at First Things (LINK)